Kevin Ly

Living at SGU – Term 1

Sooo I would consider myself pretty lucky. I got upgraded to a single a week before I arrived on campus. That’s probably good since I think I forgot how to live with a roommate -____- haha jk

I think pictures speak louder than words right? I’ll just post my room pictures/layout of my three single bedroom room suite in St. Louis Hall or as the uppertermers still call, SD 7.

My bedroom is pretty small but how big does a room really need to be right? It fits a twin bed, has a window, and has two lights under the shelf over the desk. The kitchen has a fridge/freezer, sink, shelf, but no oven. I think some of the other dorms do. The shower and toilet/sink areas are separate. Just clarifying.

Revision: After visiting other dorms, I have it pretty good here. 🙂
I just wasn’t used to coming from an RA room at NJIT.