Turns out there’s not a lot to talk about with regards to term 5. Most of us were ready to leave so it was just a matter of going through the paces and doing whatever SGU wanted us to do. Things change so quickly nowadays it’s hard to give useful advice to the next class. Just know it’s your last term on the island, don’t do anything stupid, pass your classes and get out. If you have time to start studying for Step 1, do so. If you have time to do UWorld questions or start them at least, do so. I found it was hard to balance class/lecture content with Step 1 prep and the most I could really do was followed along in First Aid and watch Doctors In Training videos/Pathoma videos and maybe an hour or two of questions. Do whatever you can but remember if you can’t pass term 5, there is no step so just make sure your priorities are still straight. Class material comes first. They claim that class material is supposed to help walk you through step prep but I found it to be more busy work than useful studying. It’s what you make of it I guess. Term 5 as a whole was good. Nothing too crazy. We all know how to study by now hopefully and it was just sitting there and doing it. Even though we are barely even halfway done, senioritis kicked in. I’m currently studying for Step 1 now so I’ll keep this short and end this here.
Term 5 Summary