Bradford / Firefly Wireless Network

So my computer really hates being registered through the SGU Bradford system and therefore I couldn't get internet for almost two days. I had to visit the IT people twice and they ended up inputting…

Living at SGU – Term 1

Sooo I would consider myself pretty lucky. I got upgraded to a single a week before I arrived on campus. That's probably good since I think I forgot how to live with a roommate -____-…

First full day at SGU

Today I decided to get rid of all the boring school stuff. Got my ID picture taken, registered for classes, picked up a white coat for the ceremony. Still haven't picked up my books but…

JFK drama

So this morning, I was supposed to get on the plane at 12:45a for boarding and before we even started, they mentioned that they overbooked the flight. The boarding time was 45 minutes and there was…