After finishing with customs and declaring items such as laptops and tablets, right outside the airport, there were SGU students who helped direct a taxi driver to your appropriate dorm. Once you get there, you go to your RA, get your room key and then you’re on your own. Then the exploration begins. My first thoughts: It. Is. Big. like Huge. Coming from a small public research university in Newark, I was definitely not used to a semi-large campus. For the first few hours, I felt thoroughly lost but after getting lost a few times, things start to look more familiar.
I went ahead and bought myself a phone from Digicel which had a tent on the field for $20. Didn’t involve much thinking. Supposedly Lime has a good deal too so perhaps I’ll end up switching for pennies sake. I also exchanged some travelers checks for ECs. Everything just feels significantly more expensive because the currency exhange is higher and the prices are also a little higher. My first meal was Subway, the usual ham/cheese footlong.
I think I remember paying almost $20 for a footlong and a medium soda. Anyways, it’s something to get used to I guess. I also did a bit of campus exploring, nothing crazy exciting (doesn’t help that I took a vacation to St. Maarten and Puerto Rico) . I did manage to pull off a couple of good pictures in my preliminary rounds 😉